Monday, June 14, 2010


I had the coolest opportunity this June to attend the 2010 RAT FINK REUNION in Manti Utah at the World Headquartes for the "BIG CHEEZE" himself RAT FINK. This has been held at the home of Illene Roth a.k.a. TRIXIE, ED "BIG DADDY" ROTH'S wife. Illene has put together the ultimate experience if you're a RAT FINK - BIG DADDY fan. This event is held at the RAT FINK museum/convetion center. There is no way to discribe this experience other than WWWOOOWWW, with yer eyeballs poppin outta yer melon! This is eye candy at its best!!! So follow along and check out this years happenings.

This is the view of the museum center floor area.   Cool area for an event huh!!!

Here is the STEALTH 2000 and other cool stuff!

The stuff in ED's garage when he passed.  Nuff said!

Different model kits. See any you have?

There are T-Shirts everywhere and no duplicates. Amazing!!!

More cool stuff! You could spend days lookin at stuff. Eyeball overload!