Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Cache Valley Car Show

After what seemed like forever to drive from SoCal to northern Utah I finally rolled into the Cache Valley Fair grounds and got right to work on my buddy Norman's T-Bucket. All kids of guys
had made their marks on this ride so Norman said to find an empty
piece of real estate and go for it. It's a cool little ride.

This guy brought me this BMW Z3 to stripe. He wanted it to match
the new Harley he was going to buy. So I thru on som Harley orange and some ivory and.....

Old school on New school.

The best part of my day was when these young parents came buy
with their sons way cool pedal car and wanted some lines on it. They told me what they wanted and the price was out of their budget, so they asked what I could for what they had. We struck a deal and I told them to come back in an hour.
I then went to town and did all of the stuff they orignally wanted.
I remember being a young parent and not being able to aford cool
stuff while raising a family, so they got the full deal!

So here comes Mom & Dad with a panic'd look of we said we couldn't aford that! I asured them that the price was still what we
agreed on and the rest was on me. They were really stoked and
 enjoyed all the compliments they were getting and that was worth
it for me. It's great being my own boss!
Another satisfied customer... I think?

This was one of the highlights of the show... A custom airbrushed
toolbox by the great Craig Fraser. This guy is one of the best.
A look at this photo and you can see why. It was done for an
auction for a local charity. Lucky, lucky winner!
Another amazing view!

I took a break from striping and went for a walk around the
fair grounds to check out the local rides. I saw the usual suspects.
Model A's, Muscle cars, Pickup's etc... But then I saw this Truck.
I grew up in the 60's-70's and that was the era of crazy show cars. So when I see stuff like this... Well what can I say!
 I've always liked stuff no one else has.

Like it or not, It sure grabs your attention. I like it!!!

A cool chopped down '59 Impala dash to boot!

Until next year!!!! See ya at the next show......

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